donderdag 11 februari 2010

Endemic species of the Galapagos

(For a specieslist with photos, check the lower part of this article)

Again something about, this website likes to complete the overview of all the species of the World. Including the Galapagos. Have a look at the specieslist already entered on (change language to english in the top right corner):
or at the pictures (change the dates between which dates you like to search!):
Photos of species from the Galapagos

I have never been tot the Galapagos archipelago. Off course this is a big wish, but at the moment it's probably not going to happen. But if someone out there likes to sponsor me.... ;-)

Why, if I have never been there, would I talk about the Galapagos?
Let me tell you.
Again the admin for story?

As a volunteer admin I check almost daily the newly added pictures on One of my personal goals is to complete family overviews like these ones (change language to english in the top right corner):
or these:

I can only complete these overviews with the help of as many observers as possible, that like to share their observations on At the moment the site is growing really fast and I am learning so much on observations of others. About subspecies, about ageing of birds, but also about there geographical spatiation. That's the main reason why I like it so much if we would get these overviews filled. One of the interesting phenomena are Island endemics. One of the most famous areas on this topic is off course the Galapagos archipelago. Recently some nice pictures were added by Marc Gottenbos. It makes me dream of nice places on bad wheater winter days...

But also many, many other observers added fantastic photos, just to mention a few that added recently some nice ones:
But every picture, even bad quality is great, since it will give extra insight into the biodiversity of the world! So thanks to all observers!!

Before it's getting t0o much a commercial, here are some tips to some good sites about the Galapagos:

If you want to know more on the Galapagos, check these sites:
Photos (photo overview of the species of the archipelago) (exact locations where birds were seen, and add your own observations)

Endemic Bird species
(Some pictures of these species are still missing. If you have these pictures, please don't hesitate to contribute on
Near endemics:
Waved Albatros
Galapagos Petrel (a.k.a. Dark-rumped Petrel)
(to be continued)

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