maandag 22 oktober 2012

Bird species list of all the birds of the world on

A list of all the bird species in the world, is now available on This list provides you not only with the names, but also with distribution data, pictures, maps..., etc. tries to follow the IOC World Bird List. This means that you can expect an up-to-date list which also includes all the subspecies of the world. 

It's not only a list, it's much more. You can find where the species have been seen, add knowledge to the distribution maps of species and you can help to depict all the (sub)species of the world. It is possible to keep your own life lists and archive your wildlife pictures. (To be able to keep your own lists/ archives, you have to register (free)).

But even if your not registered you already have a lot of possibilities within (First change the language, for ease I used English for this demonstration. You can change the language at the top right of the site with the globe symbol) 

Have a look what these lists will look like:>>ALL SPECIES>> LIST OF FAMILIES (if you follow the menu structure):
(make sure the drop box is set to "birds")

Notice that you can click on symbols and text. Clicking within observado provides a lot of extra information. Learn to find your way in by clicking!

Now, let's continue. How to find observations of a specific species?
Go to ALL SPECIES>> SPECIESLIST (make sure the drop-box is on "birds") and enter the speciesname you like to know more of: 
Let's try "Alpine Accentor" (If you don't know the exact speciesname you could also try to search on the family name first, use the family drop-box for this. Also notice you can also search on scientific name)

It will give these results:

 please open the page (  on and click on the different names and symbols!

If you click on the speciesname it will give you all the recent observations of this species:
Please notice the following things:

  1. you can click on every single observation and get all the details of this observation (click on the he blue "i" symbol) 
  2. change the area (make a choice in the drop-box "province").
  3. If you want to know observations of a single nature reserve or an other smaller area, there's a different procedure for this on observado.
  4. you can change the period for which observations should be showed.
  5. The photo-symbol means there's pictures of this species
  6. The sound symbol means there are soundrecordings available 

Clicking on the family name
With all the species within this family (also with pictures)

within the page you can click on the blue "i"symbol. If you try this, you will see the species overview page:
Here you can find all kinds of info (notice the 'about this species" menu at the top right of your page):

I hope this will help you all find out the wonders of! I also hope this information will make you decide to help the website and contribute your own wildlife sightings! You can enter en retrieve information of all the bird species of the world! Every observation is an invaluable contribution to the knowledge of biodiversity!

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

That's wonderful app. I have a couple of questions. How can I add previous observations to my life list in Observado? I have almost 1000 sightings that I'd like to add. Then, is there a way to edit uploaded sightings?

wouter zei

Hi Daniel,

Sorry for my late reply! I must have missed your question. Yes, it is possible to upload historical sightings. Once you've uploaded your sightings you can go to the menu tab "my" and you can find and edit every sighting you've added. There's also a free smartphone app (obbsmap), so you can enter hyour sightings directly in the field. Check the twitter account for up to date info or check the forum:
(mainly in Dutch, but it's no problem to talk in English)

Unknown zei

this post is really nice and very innovative, thanks for it and keep updating.

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